Law and Legal Resources-Legal Forms

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NOTE: The sites below contain extensive and helpful legal information, but none of the sites listed below can be used as substitutes for the personal advice that you may need from a lawyer.

Most of the sites themselves have disclaimers stating that laws are constantly changing and that only a lawyer can provide specific advice on which you can depend.

Extensive legal information is found in the sites, and much of it is geared to the lay person, but personal advice from a lawyer may be necessary for anyone doing legal research.

Tennessee Legal Forms Library 
Provides a wide selection of state-specific (and multi-state) legal forms across the most popular legal areas. Includes real estate contracts, wills, pre-marital agreements, bankruptcy, divorce, landlord tenant and many others. Also included is a comprehensive attorney state directory and a dictionary of legal definitions explained in laymen’s language.

WARNING: Public users should consult an attorney for serious legal matters.

State of Tennessee Advance Directive for Health Care Form 
In 2004, Tennessee law was revised to recognize more than one written advance directives for health care decision making the “Living Will” or “Advance Care Plan” and the “Medical Power of Attorney” or “Appointment of Health Care Agent”. Effective May 9, 2017, the Advance Directive for Health Care form has combined the content of the “Living Will” or “Advance Care Plan” and “Medical Power of Attorney” or “Appointment of Health Care Agent” into one model form adopted by the Board for Licensing Health Care Facilities. This document can be used to inform your family and doctor of your decisions about your health care should you become unable to decide for yourself. You can also use the form to appoint someone you know and trust to be your health care decision maker.

Shelby County Register 
The office of the Shelby County Register records: tax liens, property titles, mortgages, bankruptcy documents, deeds of gifts of estate, marriage settlements, contracts, revoked powers of attorney, real estate conveyances, armed forces discharges and hardship affidavits.

Shelby County Chancery Court Forms
The office of the Chancery Court lists forms for divorce, name change, bonds, writs, orders, petitions and more.

All Law Forms – Key Sites 
Links to sites containing all kinds of legal forms.

ILRG Legal Forms Archive 
This site offers a wide variety of legal forms, including buying and selling agreements, transfers and assignments, leases and tenancies, many different kinds of personal forms, and more. Many useful forms included, but please be sure to read the disclaimer done by the publishers of this page.

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