Mid-South Coliseum Collection: Further Readings

Further Readings

Here are some other online resources providing unique or interesting information about the Mid-South Coliseum.

About the Coliseum

  • Coliseum Coalition – An organization whose mission is to provide community outreach to reopen the historic Mid-South Coliseum and acknowledge its integral place in the City’s history.
  • Drone Fly-Through – In October 2019, Youtube account FPVenture posted a drone fly-through of the Coliseum which provides a unique inside view of the building.
  • National Register of Historic Places – In 2000, the Mid-South Coliseum was added to the National Register of Historic Places. The registration form for the National Register of Historic Places includes many details on the building.
  • MTSU Center For Historic Preservation – The MTSU Center for Historic Preservation holds several documents that shed much light on the history of the Mid-South Coliseum and its role in desegregation.

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