Entrepreneur Resources


  • Entrepreneurs Network Center (ENC)
    The City of Memphis offers a One-Stop-Shop providing entrepreneurs and small businesses in Memphis with training, one-on-one counseling, and information to assist in their success.
  • Epicenter Memphis
    This nonprofit works to assist tech startups in the Memphis area. Check out their Resources page for quick links.
  • Greater Memphis Chamber 
    The official home page of the Greater Memphis Chamber offers information about business support programs, annual reports and monographs, and other publications available from the Chamber to help the business owner. Also found on this site are the various overviews done by the Chamber, such as the Memphis Metro Profile, which offer information and statistics about Memphis and the Memphis economy. A very useful site for anyone owning or doing business in the Memphis metro area.
  • Memphis SCORE (Service Corps of Retired Executives) 
    This locally chartered volunteer organization offers business counseling to the prospective or established small business owner. The services are provided by experienced business owners. The Memphis chapter serves Shelby, Tipton, Fayette, Desoto and Crittenden Counties. SCORE is affiliated with the Small Business Administration (SBA). A schedule of workshops/webinars is available on their website.
  • Memphis Society of Entrepreneurs 
    The members of the Society are committed to sharing knowledge and educating emerging business owners and entrepreneurs. They are able to do that through this site, through roundtables made up of members, and seminars that are open to the community.
  • Start Co.
    Start Co. is ground zero for accelerators, programs, workshops, meet-ups, mixers and more.  With industry-specialized programming, expert mentorship and seed-stage funding, Start Co. helps turn concepts into business models and founders into business owners.
  • Tennessee Small Business Development Center (TSBDC) 
    The TSBDC offers free assistance to business owners. Visit their Web site to get a list of their locations, learn about their services, set up an initial consultation online, and view a calendar of events and training. Also search events at their satellite location at the City of Memphis Entrepreneurs Network Center.
  • State of Tennessee Business Development 
    The Economic & Community Development’s Business Development Division focuses on identifying companies interested in relocating to Tennessee or expanding their operations in the state. The Business Development team uses Tennessee’s incentives plus other incentives such as training programs to Encourage new investment.
  • Tennessee Valley Authority Economic Development Team 
    If you own a small business or are trying to start one, all of the resources you need are at your doorstep. TVA Economic Development and its partners can help by providing information on an Online Business Resource Center, support through business incubators, and information about doing business with TVA. 


  • Black Business Association
    The BBA is a non-profit 501 (c) (3) corporation established in 1974 and is the largest trade association of its kind in the Mid-South. BBA members all unite behind a single goal of empowerment through entrepreneurship and improvement of business and growth opportunities for minority and women owned businesses. Primary services include “one on one” sales and marketing consulting.
  • 8(a) Business Development Program 
    Describes the programs and resources available through the Small Business Administration, including grant and loan opportunities, counseling services, and the 8a contracting program.
  • Memphis Area Minority Contractors Association
    Established in 1974 to assist minority and women contractors in the greater Memphis area. MAMCA’s goal is to bring contractors together for a brighter future. Technical assistance, training, access to plans and support are offered in all phases of construction.
  • Minority Owned Business Resources
    An initiative of the Greater Memphis Chamber. Connect to resources for minority-owned businesses.


  • SBA’s Office of Women’s Business Ownership 
    The purpose of this office is to provide a network of training, counseling, and mentoring services to help women start and/or expand businesses. This site describes the many resources and programs available through the SBA to women entrepreneurs. 
  • SCORE Women Entrepreneurs Web Site 
    SCORE’s web site has resources for women including webinars, blogs, and expert advice.  Also there is a means to track your business progress, do workshops online, view articles on many different topics, and use other tools and resources.
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