Andrea reviews And the People Stayed Home by Kitty O’Meara. Tra Publishing, 2020. 9781734761788. 32pp.

This picture book started out as a poem the author penned about the world pandemic. O’Meara’s words quickly drew acclaim and words of praise by dignitaries, world leaders, politicians and celebrities. It’s obvious why so people- adults and children- are reading and enjoying this story.
O’Meara has written about the positivity of people staying home during this crisis. Rather being isolated and lonely, we can share time together reading, playing games, learning and refining  skill sets, resting. Basically just being again as our earth heals physically and emotionally. Her lesson is once we are healed from this the earth will be healed as well.
I enjoyed this story because we all need hope and inspiration to get us through this chapter. It will take time but right now, that’s all we got so enjoy it to your fullest.